Friday, July 17, 2009

Lightning Stike!

Mississippi is well known for its fast and furious rain storms that come out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly. Atlanta has them as well. I can’t tell you how many weather delays I’ve experienced coming into Atlanta when upon arrival, there’s not a cloud in the sky. The other day David and I returned from a weeklong vacation to find the yard bone dry and most of my new plants nearly dead. Not more than 15 minutes after watering the yard, in comes a torrential rain and lightning storm. David and I were standing on the back deck watching the incredible light show when suddenly there was a loud pop and flash that came from the side of the house not more than 50 feet from where we both stood. We realized immediately that the lightning was hitting too close for our safety and ran inside.

The following day David and I were returning from our walk and discovered the damage from the lightning strike. The lightning struck not one, but two trees, blowing bark and wood as far as 30 feet away. The fact that David and I were standing that close to witness the strike and were not hit ourselves was truly a blessing.