Wednesday, May 20, 2009


As predicted, 2009 has been an incredible year for the Mallery family so far. We have accomplished many of the goals we set at the beginning of the year, however, the order in which our goals have come to fruition have not exactly been as scheduled. Our family has always been used to dealing with curves in road of life and have always adjusted quickly, however, this year has been exceptional.

The kids and I moved to Mississippi earlier than we had originally planned. Transferring the kids to another school this close to the end of the school year was a tough decision for David and I but so far the kids are adjusting well and have been pleasantly surprised with their new surroundings. So far, they’ve found that the biggest difference between Utah and Mississippi (amongst others) has been the heat and humidity. Alex finds it hard to understand why you still have to turn on the A/C when the top on the convertible is down. The kids love their new schools, the neighborhood and even our new church. The church has a great youth program that keeps them actively involved. Fortunately, I was able to take April and May off from work to be home with David and the kids full-time. We’ve really been focusing on doing things as a family and have grown very close because of this. We’ve been going to church every Sunday, having home-cooked meals around the dinner table every night, family movie nights, dominoes on the back deck, fishing together, mountain biking and hanging out around the fire pit playing guitar or telling stories. Yes, we’re the freakin’ Cleaver family! The kids have met new friends and our house has quickly become the neighborhood hangout.

Of all of us, David has had to make the most adjustments. Going from single guy to family man almost overnight isn’t easy for anyone but he’s really stepped up to the plate and has been a great father figure and role model for my children. The kids really look up to him and love and respect him. More importantly, they appreciate the way he loves and respects their mother. I’ve said this time and time again, but letting your kids witness and be part of a loving, respectful relationship is probably one of the most valuable lessons in life you can teach them.

What’s next? Well, once school is out the kids will be going to youth camps and traveling back to Utah to spend the rest of the summer with their father. Alex is planning on getting her driving permit—mercy—and our Egypt trip that was postponed at the last minute will hopefully become a reality shortly. I go back to work in June and David and I are working toward a wedding this fall. A lot is on the horizon, so check in often for an update.

Our family has truly been blessed this year. Thank you to everybody that has helped us along the way. We will always be grateful for your love and support!

With love—

The Mallery Family

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